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BettyD 11 years ago

thanks I don’t have more than a teaspoon in the morning. So it really helps to know that.

Ossie-Sharon 11 years ago

Hi, BettyD. Yes, of course, sugar is preferred if you have allergies. Note that this program does not encourage artificial sweeteners, but rather the natural low-carb alternatives. If you are also sensitive to these, then sugar may be the answer, if the amount is low – if not, perhaps try gradually cutting back so it is not more than 1 teaspoon 1-3 times per day. The best sugar is the rawest possible, i.e. organic whole sugar cane powder, which contains nutrients to help the body stay in balance (examples:;

BettyD 11 years ago

Can you have a teaspoon of real sugar I have a lot of food allergies so the artificial sugars are out. But I do like my coffee sweet and light. How do I get around using sugar?

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