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Ossie-Sharon 8 years ago

Hi, Kathleen. If you go into our Recipes section and type “Paleo” in the search box, many recipes will pop up – and we are adding more all the time!

Kathleenyax 8 years ago

Christy, I’m glad you mentioned Paleo. Iv’e been trying to go paleo. I bought a lot of Paleo/primal/caveman books and cookbooks but have difficulty planning meals. I joined trim down club mostly for the support etc. Do you have more Paleo recipes, meals. I’d like to incorporate more in my menus.

Support 8 years ago

Hi tb1941,
You will find many of our recipes already available to you in the selection process if you are using the Personal Menu Planner option. You can also increase the amount of recipes in your menu plans from your Profile page (you can access your profile from the homepage).

Lastly, if you would like to include one of our recipes that appears only in the online or text collection, you can definitely do so. Just find a Menu Planner recipe or food that is most similar to what you want—either by comparing exchanges or noting the various types of ingredients—and select it as a place-saver for the system. When it comes time to prepare your meal, make the swap. This can also work with your own personal recipes.
For example, if you are interested in Cheap and Flexible Lentil Stew, one of our newer additions, note that it yields 2 carb + 2 protein exchanges per serving, the same as for Tomato Broccoli Cheesy Potato Bake, which appears in the Menu Planner lists.
In another example, if you have a homemade chicken-vegetable soup you’d like to make, chances are it fits with the combination found in our Chicken Soup for the Gods—even if it isn’t a perfect match, it is more than likely sufficient.
If you wish to incorporate a more unusual recipe, such as our Paleo Nut Stuffing, note that unless you have a specific medical condition, you can swap carbs for proteins (1 carb for 1 protein exchange) or fats (1 carb for 2 fat exchanges).

If you would like more assistance in this area, please do repost, and we would be happy help you 🙂

tb1941 8 years ago

How do I incorporate your recipes into my menu plan

keepingit100 8 years ago

Thanks sooooooo much I will start w/ 8 week program

Support 8 years ago

Hi Keepinit100,
The best place to start would be the 8 Week Plan, which you can find in the homepage.
Best 🙂

keepingit100 8 years ago

Where do I start?

Ossie-Sharon 10 years ago

Hi, swray110, and welcome! And thanks as always, Debbie!!
Swray110, just ease into the program – no worries. Start with what you have, and gradually make changes according to what works for you. If you just make little changes along the way, they will add up without too much stress.

Deborahjjhayes 10 years ago

Join us in Successful Beginnings and Support and there are a number of people willing to answer all your questions and help you get started! God Bless Debbie

swray110 10 years ago

I am just getting started in all this healthy food thing and am having trouble knowing how to get started. I am willing to change my eating but I work 12 hours a day and so I take a lunch and fruit and vegies with me to have as snacks. I don’t have all the things to go by the menu created for me yet. how can I know if I am doing the right things or eating the right combination of things. someone please give me some guidance.

Viewing 10 posts - 1 through 10 (of 10 total)

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