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bagostinelli 11 years ago

Found an article and it seems to imply that potassium combats sodium. I guess I need to be more conscious of my sodium intake and increase my potassium intake. I’ve been going over on my recommended sodium intake and under on my potassium intake. I guess this is why I seem like I’m retaining fluid at the end of the day.

tmpetmpe11 11 years ago

hey if its working don’t fix it

bagostinelli 11 years ago

I’ve got an app called myfitnesspal and I type in what I eat and it calculates the calories, etc. It also calculates the nutritional values for the day and I’ve noticed that I keep going way over on my sodium intake. Is this bad? Not sure if I can get it any lower and I’ve already lost 8 lbs. Just wondering if I need to be concerned about this?

Viewing 3 posts - 1 through 3 (of 3 total)

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