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Meagan Lee 10 years ago

You are on the right track! Exercise a bit each day and it will be come a good habit and part of your life rather than a chore! Stay positive and take it one day at a time! Being healthy for you and your family is not being selfish, it is being responsible. Let me know if I can help in any way!

pad41260 10 years ago

Thank you Danger.

Danger 10 years ago

Priorities do need to shift a bit in order to fit in diet and exercise. I’ve recently re-ordered my life around to fit it in – and while it’s disorienting at first, it does become easier. It also helps to not be so rigid with the new program – not to go completely lax but to remember that it sometimes is better to relax a bit.

pad41260 10 years ago

Do you find it hard to fit anything else in your business schedule – like exercise? I do! Sounds like I need to rethink my priorities. Not that my family is not important, but if I do not take care of myself, I want be able to enjoy my family. And that is where I am now. What are my goals? To be skinny, to fit into a size 8, look 35 when I am really 53. Maybe for some those are realisitc goals. For me, no. My goals: to be able to push the tricycle around the yards without being winded. to be able to wash my body without struggling. Get up off the floor without help and gronings. And the bathroom is not a joke anymore. It is embarrassing. And honestly, I am ashamed of myself for lettig myself go. What good is quanitiy of life without quality of life. I know that I am older and things change. Vanity, Vanity. OH, don’t get me wrong. I like a little paint on this old barn. But this old barn needs a litte more work and it is goin to require more than paint. So, I will find the time to walk a little each day, look over my menu and plan. Time to step up.

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