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mbanks4590 11 years ago

Are a cup and 8 ounces on my food scale the same. My menu had a cup of beans and it was nearly a full can of beans. Also a 1/4 cup of nuts is about 6 cashew nuts. Do these sound right to you. I also assail e when a cup is called for it means cooked weight, correct?

Moflan 11 years ago

Ok so the Quinola beads need to be ground in a coffee grinder to make the flour but I also learn the flour is gluten free and there is a whole isle in my Tesco with Gluten Free Foods on it, wonder if the illusive flour is there.
Let you know next time.

Moflan 11 years ago

I also tried the oatmeal idea but used porridge oats instead of the oatmeal and water, I ended up with a plate of runny muddy water.
Perhaps it is the size of the cup mine is labeled as a cup being 250 mls. I so want this to work but nothing has worked so far.

Allisons make a wholemeal flour but I could not find Wholewheat.
They do have one product that is a wholewheat and seeds for bread making so I suspect a little hounding of your local supermarket manager you would get wholewheat on the shelves.
Asda also had Quinoa a 300grm packet costs just less that £1 but I suspect this is not the flour as it is tiny beads. The product required soaking and then boiling before in this case becoming part of a Chicken Quinoa Balti. Off to search the internet

jolenehitt 11 years ago

I am not sure how to start this. I want to change our diets for sure. I also want to lose weight. Starting a fitness center today. My husband has been dianosed wit cancerof the prostate so we really want to know what to eat.

suzyq 11 years ago

First week on program, I was a little skeptical on how good the recipes would be. Tried the Squash Omelet and oatmeal cooked in milk. Both recipes were delicious. Made some substitutes–had no mushrooms but still delicious; never cooked oatmeal in milk and really liked for the first time and, didn’t have to use salt. Try it you unbelievers.

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