Viewing 11 posts - 1 through 11 (of 11 total)
Ossie-Sharon 10 years ago

Hi, jlinville13, and welcome. Many people are definitely in your position of needing portable snacks. Take advantage of the fruits (as well as free vegetables), nuts, seeds, crackers, cheese, etc. to put something together. You can also fill up a thermos with a hearty soup or shake from our recipe collection.

jlinville13 10 years ago

Some of the menus are weird. I’m new so am in the stage of feeling my way through this. My two daytime snacks & lunch need to be portable (no cooking).

Ossie-Sharon 10 years ago

Hi, nurvus, and welcome. The intention is for you to eat all the items in the menu.

nurvus 10 years ago

I have a question but don’t know were to go to ask…
My menu is done but for breakfast it shows 4 items, do you only pick one. there is no place were this is explained.

Dee444 10 years ago

I have never eaten an olive for breakfast in my life.! Ha! I had the same suggestion for my first breakfast. I went in and took out the olive as a fat for breakfast and it shouldn’t be part of the breakfast menu again. I think I’m getting the hang of this!

Ossie-Sharon 10 years ago

Hi, rzaleskij56. Other than working everything together – like in a salad as Tweety425 suggested (great idea!) – note that the olives just represent a fat exchange – you can swap them out as Deborah suggested for a spread like butter or some olive oil.

Deborahjjhayes 10 years ago

I got some really wild combos when I first started!!Love those little buttons!!

Deborahjjhayes 10 years ago

It took me several week to discover the arrow circles of subtituting!! Hit those and see what you could have instead! Might surprise you!!

Delightful644 10 years ago

Oliver would go good with raspberries in a salad -gives a salty and sweet tangy favor. Pretty good. But not for breakfast

Tweety425 10 years ago

what fruit would you choose to eat with olives?

rzaleskij56 10 years ago

I just got my menus.. the first day I was to eat raspberries, walnuts and olives for breakfast. Really? That’s just plain weird and unappetizing. I can go for the raspberries and walnuts but not olives with them. Who would eat olives with raspberries!

Viewing 11 posts - 1 through 11 (of 11 total)

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