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Doryssb 11 years ago

Hi Mosbergea & welcome
1) You should try to eat your snacks if possible. The intent is to really fire up your metablolism.
2) Beans and rice are both listed under the catagory of carbs, therefore could be swapped out. However, keep in mind that this will change the percentage of your menu. As you are making the choices on your menu the lighter color blue the better. All beans are a light blue and white rice is the darkest color blue.
3) The whole fruit is always going to be a much better choice. If you are going to dring o.j. I would keep it to a small amount and please read the label. Watch for added sugars, preservations, coloring etc.
4) You can switch meals or snacks from within the same day. Each day is built upon a combination of meals/snacks that work together
This is a yay!!! The exact thing you are suggesting, is there…great minds think alike 🙂
Once you have created your menu each item will have a symbol at the end that looks similar to a refresh button. If you will click on that it will open up a window with all of your swapping options. Once again, keep in mind the lighter the color the healtier your choice. As you are making changes in your menu glance at the percentage meter and try to stay at 80 or above.

Good luck to you and happy healthy eating!

mosbergea 11 years ago

1) Are snacks required even if not hungry?
2) Can I substitute beans for white rice?
3) How much o.j. can be a substitute for an orange (if any)?
4) Can you mix a breakfast (or lunch or dinner) from 1 day with corresponding “B”, “L”, or “D” from another day?
SUGGESTION!!! provide a chart showing substitutions allowed for a given food. EX: GIVEN~ 12 oz yogurt ALLOWABLE SUBSTITUTES~ 1/2 cup cereal, 1 egg, etc.

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