Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 30 total)
Ossie-Sharon 11 years ago

Hi, Ngarie. I would definitely suggest more nutrition for you. I would suggest to add 1 serving each of a protein and a carb or fruit three times a day; you can swap out a protein serving for a fat, if you wish.
Each starch is a slice of bread or 1/2 cup cooked/prepared grain or cereal; each dairy/substitute protein is 1 cup of milk, 6 oz of yogurt or 1 oz of cheese; each meat/substitute protein is 1 oz of meat/poultry/fish/seitan, etc.; each fat is 1 tsp oil or 1 Tbsp. salad dressing or sauce, or 2 Tbsp coconut milk; each fruit is a piece of fruit (except banana, which is half) or 1 cup of most fruits; each vegetable is a cup except for free vegetables (you will find a link to the list at the end of your menu from the Menu Planner).

ksprietsma 11 years ago

Awesome, thanks so much Ossie!
Have a great morning/afternoon/evening (depending on where you are)!

Ossie-Sharon 11 years ago

Hi, ksprietsma. Absolutely!

ksprietsma 11 years ago

Hi Ossie,

I just wanted to triple check with you. I know you said all the swapping I was talking about is fine, but I want to make sure it is alright to swap “Monday lunch” and “Friday lunch”.

Sorry for being so repetative but I just want to make sure I am on the right track.



Ossie-Sharon 11 years ago

Hi, Lynn. Yes, that should be fine.

LynnM 11 years ago

I did find So Delicious yogurt at my big grocery store, it says there is 150 calories in 6 oz of the vanilla. Can we use it for ‘vegan yogurt non-soy’?

LynnM 11 years ago

Hi Ossie, I have two questions:
1. I just got some Ezekiel sprouted grain cereal, and I wonder if it substitutes for regular dry cereal or for granola?
2. I am looking for vegan dairy substitutes with no soy, as soy products and milk protein bother me considerably. My healthfood store has some cheese substitutes, but don’t have the yogurt you mention below. Do you have any suggestione for other brands? If I get the cheese can I just substitute it for brick cheese in the planner?

Ossie-Sharon 11 years ago

Hi, Ngarie. Yes, I would suggest more nutrition for you, especially in the earlier part of the day. For example, I would suggest that at Meal 1 you have a whole bagel and add a spread such as a Tablespoon of nut butter or cheese; at Meal 2, add milk to the cereal; at Meal 3, add a carb such as 1/2 cup brown rice; at Meal 4, add as source of protein, i.e. 2 Tablespoons of nuts; at Meal 5, add a fruit or vegetable; at Meal 6, add a fruit or vegetable.

Ossie-Sharon 11 years ago

Hi, Doryss. Yes, the pastas you mentioned are as good as brown rice pasta.

Ossie-Sharon 11 years ago

Hi, jostone. Coconut yogurt can be great – just keep in mind that it has more fat than protein. Also, pay attention to the other ingredients, that they are natural or beneficial in some way. This is a good example, tried and loved by others on this site

Ngarie 11 years ago

Hi Ozzie,
Female, weight 81kg goal weight 67kg, height 164cm
Meal 1 1/2 bagel, basic omlette & apple
Meal 2 1/2 cup bran cereal, 1/4 cup raisins
Meal 3 1 cup mixed green salad, 12 oz low fat yogurt 2% , 1 cup shrimp and vege stir fry
Meal 4 1 cup pineapple
Meal 5 1/2 cup tortillini, 6 oz yogurt, 1 serve turkey and wine yogurt
Meal 6 2 oz tuna canned olive oil
I exercise 40 min morn, 40 min afternoon 6 times a week and alternate swimming, bike and walk run

jostone 11 years ago

Hi Ossie,

You seem to be the Maven here. When a menu calls for vegan yogurt would coconut yogurt be alright instead of soy, I can’t have anything cow.
Thanks, Jo

Doryssb 11 years ago

Hi Ossie,
It’s me again :)… can you tell me where pasta made from organic corn flour and organic quinoa flour would fit in. I know it would be in grains, but wondered if it is as good as a rice pasta, better or worse. Thanks again for the input

Ossie-Sharon 11 years ago

Hi, Ngarie, and welcome! Great workout plan!! 🙂 To answer your question, I just need a bit more information. Can you post your gender, age, height, weight, weight goal (maintenance or loss), and a sample day of your weekly menu? I will run some calculations for you.

Ossie-Sharon 11 years ago

Hi, Doryss. As long as the honey-mustard dressing or sauce is organic with good ingredients (i.e., olive or canola oil instead of soy or corn oil), it can be any brand you want.

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 30 total)

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