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Jayney8 11 years ago

Hi many thanks for your help. I do have milk with my porridge and i also have goats cheese on a couple of days. The medication i take will be for the rest of my life but i am currently under the hospital because i suffer with chronic constipation. I have just had a camera procedure to see if there is any blockages. Fortunately there are none so i will be taking a new medication to help with this problem. This is obviously another reason why the scales arent moving. I will seek professional help to ask about some physical activity i can do. Many thanks for your support

Ossie-Sharon 11 years ago

Hi, Jayney8. What you are currently eating is very, very little. I definitely would not recommend to decrease the amounts further. Baked beans are absolutely fine, and would make a great addition to what you are eating now – for example, to your second snack, which currently is very small and does not contain any protein.
I noticed you don’t have any dairy or substitutes in your menu. Is that intentional? I would suggest to consider adding something like milk (dairy or calcium/D-fortified vegetal), i.e. to your breakfast porridge.
It may well be that the pain medication is contributing to your plateau. Is there an end in sight? Are you receiving professional care?
Side effects aside, if you are being followed by a healthcare professional for the pain, I would suggest that you ask him or her about exercise options that utilize the movements that do not cause you too much pain – even motions that help your back and may not even seem like exercise (i.e. like physical therapy).

Jayney8 11 years ago

Im 45′ 5 foot 5 and weigh 11 stone 2. A typical day is breakfast- 1 cup of gluten free porridge cooked, cup of raspberries , 1oz almonds, snack – 1 slice of rice bread, an egg and an orange, snack 2 – 1 cup of grapes, dinner – 3 oz turkey, 1 cup brown rice, asparagus, mushrooms, snack 3 – 1oz almonds. Thats is pretty much what i eat most days. I dont eat any other meat apart from chicken. My bread is either rice or spelt. Im happy with most fruits. I have got an alternate menu which incorporates fish. I dont like beans apart from baked beans and not sure if im allowed to eat those. Many thanks for your help.

Ossie-Sharon 11 years ago

Hi, Jayney8. Sorry to read you are having back problems. I would be happy to see about menu adjustments for you. I just need your age, height, and weight, as well as a sample day from your menu (copy and paste) and what you usually don’t eat. I will run some calculations for you.

Jayney8 11 years ago

I havent been bingeing i just havent had time to eat. Unfortunately i cant exercise due to my chronic back pain for which i take medication. Have been in a lot of pain this last week as well a lot more than usual. So has my menu been changed to take into account the weight loss ? It is so disheartening to see the scales say the same 3 weeks on the trot., but i am determined to lose the weight i feel so much better for having lost 12 pounds thats why i am desperate to find a solution. I really appreciate your help.

Ossie-Sharon 11 years ago

Hi, Jayney8. Major reductions in intake can make your metabolism drop, and if skipping snacks and meals results in later binging, it can be a double-whammy (I don’t know if this is your situation). Also, some people’s bodies react to stress by clinging to fat.
Having said that, I am wondering – have entered your new weight into your profile? This enables adjustment of your menus to support continued weight loss. If so, and you are still not losing, the other way out of a plateau is generally through physical activity – either increasing frequency, time, or intensity or by switching something in your usual regime to work a new set of muscles. However, with your recent busyness, has your physical activity also taken a hit?

Jayney8 11 years ago

I started the diet in july and ive lost 12 pounds but ive been at same weight now for 2 weeks. Can you help please? Should i carry on eating as much or do i need to eat less? I must admit its been a very busy 2 weeks and i havent had time to eat some of my snacks and lunches. Is that the problem ? Or should i be eating less. Thank you

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