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Ossie-Sharon 11 years ago

Hi, Minerva. The Trim Down Club is based on a whole foods plan, which is pretty much the opposite of a shake plan. It encourages getting used to a healthy way of eating that you would do when you are at your goal weight and not on a ‘diet’. A shake and bar plan is usually temporary, and so is quite different – however, if you only use these products a couple of times a day for when you can’t eat whole foods, then whether or not they fit the program depends on their composition. Most bars and shakes have sources of sugars and fats that may impact your metabolism in unfavorable ways – even if they are ‘natural’/’organic’. We hae recipes you can download here for various muffins that you can bake ahead of time and take with you instead of bars, and shakes that you can throw together and put in a thermos, all of which would be made from whole foods and therefore best for your metabolism.
As for the Juice Plus tablets, they are just in addition to whatever you wouuld eat on this program.

minerva427 11 years ago

Hi! I just joined and would like to incorporate the Trim Down Club into my weight loss plan. I have been advised by a nutritionist to begin eating differently (a lot of what this site seems to be promoting); however, my nutritionist has also put me on a weight loss/healthy shake and bar plan named Juice Plus. I drink one Juice Plus shake per day and eat one Juice Plus bar a day. (Organic, no artificial anything!) This is very helpful with my busy schedule. I am also taking the Juice Plus Supplements. Will I be able to incorporate the Juice Plus program and the Trim Down Club together, or should I ask for a refund? Thanks!

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