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Ossie-Sharon 9 years ago

Hi, Tregaisl, and welcome. That is very normal here, and the fact that you have not gained weight is a very good sign. If you have been on restrictive diets in the past, your metabolism has slowed down and needs some time to recover and get used to normal amounts of food again, to meet the body’s optimal nutritional needs.
The best way to charge up your metabolism when you’re making up for lost ground is to adjust your physical activity. If you are exercising, then try making a few changes (even if temporary) to wake up new muscles, including some light strength-training (which you can do just by lifting full cans or water bottles as mini-weights); if you use a slow-and-steady type of workout, then try inserting brief bursts of energy here and there, i.e. 30 seconds of jogging for every 5 minutes of a walk. If you are currently not active, first check with a health care provider regarding safety if needed), then gradually introduce some into your day, i.e. 5 minutes 3 times per week, then 10 minutes, etc., then 4 and 5 times per week, etc. – you can either join a gym if you like leaving the house and having supervision, take walks when the weather allows, and/or just walk in place in front of your TV during at least one 1/2-hour show.
The above is the healthiest option. However, if you are too full on this menu, don’t fight your hunger and satiety signals too much because they can be your savior – but also do resist the temptation to eat so little that you risk later weight gain. You can cut a few carb servings here and there, preferably from later in the day. Whatever you do, try to be sure to get at least 5 total servings of fruits+vegetables and 3 calcium-rich foods each day.

Tregaisl 9 years ago

I’ve completed the first week, and did not loose any weight. I’ve even omitted snacks because I was not hungry. I am now cutting back some of the foods on my menu to cut down on the calorie intake- for instance, 1/2 c. Quinoa instead of a full cup. Do you have any more suggestions to help me move this process along? Is there a way to charge up my metabolism to help this situation?

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