Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)
Ossie-Sharon 11 years ago

Hi, ljack748. Where do you live?

Defaziosm 11 years ago

Where to find SWG (sprouted whole grain) bread–I live in North Carolina and I can find it cheapest at a Food Lion that has a health food section. It’s called Ezekiel 4:9 made by Food for Life. It’s stocked in the frozen section of health foods probably because it has no preservatives. It’s also made without flour. I love this bread and usually buy about 3 or 4 at a time, and keep in my freezer, because they go fast in the store.

ljack748 11 years ago

would someone please tell me where to find SWG bread ?

Ossie-Sharon 11 years ago

Hi, Cheri007 and welcome. SWG is referred to as “sprouted grain” in NZ, and a bread made by Huckleberry Farms. There is a popular SWG bread called “Essene”.

Cherie007 11 years ago

Hi, just joined the programme from New Zealand. A lot of the food names are not known to me. Is there anyone out there from New Zealand that knows what SWG is in New Zealand?

Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)

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