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esolaro 10 years ago

Welcome, Maria!

My husband (65) is a cancer survivor too and he actually gained weight during his treatments. I’m really sorry you had to go through that, and especially so young.

Both my husband and I have both found this an easy, stress-free, non-hungry way to lose weight. He’s lost about 10 pounds in 6 weeks. I lost 6 in 4, got very stressed and sick and ate a lot of white stuff (bread and rice, especially, because they were what I could keep down–but actually not a lot of food) and promptly gained 5 pounds in 9 days. (The nutritionist told me that was totally normal.) Now I’m back on the TDC plan, eating better food and MORE of it, feeling much better, and have promptly shed 2.5 of those regained pounds in 6 days.

This plan works if you follow it. You just have to be honest with yourself about what you eat and why–and be kind to your body.

RiaXtine 10 years ago

Hi everyone! My name is Maria, I’m 19 and am (so far)a 2yr cancer survivor. During treatment I lost about 30lbs and it wasn’t a bad thing since I was already overweight. My first year in remission I was doing really well with maintaining my new body weight but now the numbers are climbing and I don’t like it! I’m not a fan of dieting, so when my mom stumbled across this program that we could participate in together and not have to cut out a bunch of favorite foods I got really excited and signed up right away!

I’m hoping for good results, how long have you been part of this program and how is it working for you?

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