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esolaro 9 years ago

Glynis, I’ve found that this is a pretty easy way to lose weight,even though I’m more fine-tuning (the less weight you have to lose, the harder it is to lose it). I lost 6 pounds in the first month, got stressed and sick and ate a lot of white stuff (including white rice and bread because it soothed my stomach) and regained 5 pounds in 9 days. (Ossie the nutritionist told me this was very normal.) As soon as I started eating the TDC plan again, I started losing again too. (2.5 pounds since 9 June.) Just be kind to your body, honest with yourself about what you’re eating, stick with the plan and you should lose. Without going hungry!

martianken 9 years ago

i use my substitutions wisely. cannot afford all those natural food products but i do buy some whole and natural ones. it can get really expensive to go that way. i am doing ok on what i am eating a present and substitutions are working great….i start week-4 tomorrow…weeeeeeeeeeeeeee… martinken

martianken 9 years ago

sooooooooooo…this is your “last shot”… well, if it is consolation, i felt that way and still do a little, but so far have lost 4#/wk. I am suppose to weigh myself today, but i cheated a little on eating, not much, just had a nice bowl of spanish mean, cheeze, rice, + other goodies…i was ok with it…will let u know soon what i weigh in at today or tomorrow… martian ken

Michele12000 9 years ago

Welcome aboard. I am enjoying this process and feeling more in control of my life. Commitment is always an issue for me, but I am coming along. I believe this will be a permanent lifestyle change for me and not just a diet. Like the tortoise and the hare, slow and steady wins the race.

GColey 9 years ago

Day 1 – This is my last shot at losing weight, nothing works for me. Really excited.

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