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feelinghealthier 9 years ago

I just started…so much to learn & buy. Pam S

Ossie-Sharon 9 years ago

Hi, Kaye1961, and welcome! The foods that look unfamiliar are available in the UK, but are not well-known to many people, which is part of their advantage. They are less mass-produced and so less manipulated, leaving them to be more nutritious and supportive of healthy weight management. A great site to learn a little more about these foods is 99% of the food terms are the same, though once in a while there is a difference (for example, what is noted here as “whole grain” is “wholemeal” in the UK, “sprouted whole grain” or “SWG” is “sprouted wheat” in the UK, etc.). Other sources of these foods can be found in this list (, as well as other health-oriented shops.

Kaye1961 9 years ago

Hello… Today is my first day with the Trim Down Club and I confess that I am struggling with some of the food stuffs listed within the daily food choice lists… I hope this doesn’t sound too silly but is there a UK version as a lot of the items appear to be American and I’ve no idea what they are…. Thank you in anticipation of your help.. Kaye

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