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Ossie-Sharon 4 years ago

hi, Lmkmuss49. The 60-Day Challenge is now the “8-Week Plan” (access through the “Tools” link in the toolbar near the top of each page) and is ongoing. You are welcome to post here as you progress, and if others don’t get back to you, I would be happy to be a sounding board. I’m the dietitian here, and have collected lots of information on others’ progress, and can troubleshoot with you.

Lmkmuss49 4 years ago

I am new here and wonder Is there a new challenge? I want to get involved into a group where I can get feed back and just see what works and what doesn’t for some. I am 50 so what works for me might now work for others.
Thanks Lisa

Viewing 2 posts - 1 through 2 (of 2 total)

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