Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)
Ossie-Sharon 11 years ago

Have you tried starting with the 14-day Express Meal Plan? That should give you an idea of a typical plan.
What about the diet is difficult? Problems with the Menu Planner? We would be happy to help.

ddee2746 11 years ago

THis is not an easy diet to follow. Can you set up a week or two of eating habits, so I will know what to buy and eat

Ossie-Sharon 11 years ago

Carbohydrates are the main source of energy, and proteins support body functions – they also provide satiety. As long as you have the right size and number of portions at all meals, you can distribute them throughout the day as you wish. Whatever you can do to make your program livable and you healthy is just fine!

ctyler03 11 years ago

My recent learned way of carbs(gestational diabetes) vs proteins are carbs during the day with protein good. Try not to eat carbs before bed to keep your blood sugar from being high. Even tho the pregnancy insulin is for a short period of time, if your overweight the same rule applies. btw my planner put sour cream, milk, cheese and spinach as a dinner.. idk how it comes up with the combinations. just as long as you have your portions, proteins, vegies, fruits, and carbs balanced you will do fine.

Leonard 11 years ago

In the menu planner on this site, there are different categories for Morning/Evening and Noon, when it comes to carbohydrates and proteins. What’s the difference? I am especially curious about the proteins… Is it very bad if I eat the “noon” ones for dinner and vice versa?

Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)

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