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Ossie-Sharon 9 years ago

Hi, BillieJean. Not all of the recipes have been added to the application yet, but I will ask tech development to make Creamy Sweet Potato Soup a priority. Just select a similar recipe as a placesaver, and make the swap when it comes time to cook. For the example you gave, Spinach Fava Beans Crostini is actually the most similar nutritionally.

Billiejean 9 years ago

How do I get soup included in my menu? I have seen a recipe on the website for ‘Creamy Sweet Potato Carrot Soup’ and I would like to have this as a lunch,but when I go into Menu Planner and select the ‘Soups’ tab, I don’t have the option to choose it as it doesn’t appear.

Ossie-Sharon 9 years ago

Hi, Brittsf. You can definitely repeat Week 1. If you want, you can also advance to using the Menu Planner application (in Apps above) to make sure only foods you like get into your menu.

brittsf 9 years ago

Week 1 I did really well. I felt like I was eating constantly and I lost almost 3 pounds. Week 2 is a different story. I really didn’t like the menu because they put in several different foods I don’t eat like sardines! I used the chart to make changes but I am not sure I did it correctly. I haven’t lost any weight since Sat.! I am leaning towards just eating the first week menu again until I get another menu I can stick with.

Ossie-Sharon 9 years ago

Hi, BillieJean. You can definitely split your snacks – just make sure you don’t load up just before your biggest sleep period (i.e. night). As for grams per cup, it depends on the item. For liquids, yogurts/puddings and fruit purees, it is generally 240, flours and nuts/seeds 120; fruits are often 120-150 and vegetables 60-140. You can find more specific information here:

Billiejean 9 years ago

Anyone got an answer to my previous post please? i.e. can I split a snack and eat some of it at another time? Also, how much is a half a cup in grams? I know I’ve seen the corresponding weights somewhere on this site, but can’t find it again! Thanks.

Deborahjjhayes 9 years ago

If you click on an artichoke it will show up. Don’t click it if you don’t like it. If it is one of those they did for you sub it out with a veggie you like! 😛

Ossie-Sharon 9 years ago

Hi, sueibeau. If you are using the pre-made 21-day menu, there is only one type; there is a 14-day dairy-free menu in My Downloads above – click on the first link, and scroll down. If you are using the Menu Planner application, be sure to select “Dairy-Free” in your profile (click on your name above).

sueibeau 9 years ago

I too am having trouble with the first week menu plan. I need to get dairy out of my menu plan. I have tried ,but can’t regenerate the first week menu. I can’t reach anyone other than the forums. Someone please let me know how to regenerate the menu?

Melbruns 9 years ago

Oh my I am committed to this. This is my first day. It may be a little condense but every time I open this I get more info. I love the idea that it sustaining my hunger and the balance of food in take is remarkable. You are learning new info so it does take time. LR

Billiejean 9 years ago

Looking at the menu generated for me, the snacks are quite large. Can I split the snack allowance and eat it at other times? For instance, can I have half a snack during the day, and the other half during the evening or at bedtime?

Ossie-Sharon 9 years ago

Hi, iainsmom. The prepared menu is just for the initial stages of the program, to ease you into it. Later, you will be formally introduced to the Menu Planner application. HOWEVER, you absolutely can start using the Menu Planner now if you wish.

iainsmom 9 years ago

I am very confused. A preset menu was given to me to download. What then do I do with the app? I am one week into the program but still not sure how everything works.

Ossie-Sharon 9 years ago

Hi, LGScarito. Just go back and click on the meal symbol on the line item (food) – it will deselect just as it selected when you first clicked on it.

ilovecollies1691 9 years ago

Ffatfreebaby…if you go to the Menu Planner and on the first page of where you start checking off foods that you like, scroll down to the bottom of the page, and under where it says “save” “Save and make menu” you will see the place to ask for a food item to be added. I hope this is what you are asking!

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