Marilyng1 11 years ago

Hi to all,

I joined this site as it addresses thyroid and blood sugar imbalances and follows my beliefs that GMO and processed foods are the main problem of weight gain. I am a 54 year old female. I had thyroid trouble a few years back, they removed 1/2 and thank god it was not cancer. During that time I developed high blood sugar and was diagnosed diabetic. I feel they are directly connected although the Dr.’s seem to think otherwise. My goal is to lose weight, get healthy and hopefully, not need the blood sugar meds. Blood pressure meds. And cholesterol meds. No meds is my goal!

Here’s a thought about the GMO and processed foods. My mom grew up on a farm eating only fresh eggs, meats, fruits and vegies, homemade bread, homemade ice cream, churned their own butter and scooped and ate the cream off the top. They never had weight problems and were extremely healthy. I have always thought, it isn’t the fat from real cows milk or bread or even sugar that is the problem. It’s the way it is tampered with I.e. preservatives, processing all the nutrients out and now the GMO problem, tampering with our crops.

I am so excited to have found this program! Oh and yes, I have already lost weight. Yay!

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