Viewing 3 posts - 1 through 3 (of 3 total)
Jen135 10 years ago

Hi there, I’m in Western Southland. Nice to have another Kiwi here! I am in my 2nd week and lost 2kgs the first week. Pretty happy with that. I’m seeing now how balancing the carb/protein intake with the good fats in the right portions over the day is actually helping to curb cravings etc. I have a real sweet tooth but so far so good, no sugar in my 1 coffee a day and no biscuits/muesli bars etc. Wine could be my downfall! Good luck to you, I reckon this could work well 🙂

vonni49 10 years ago

Hi there,
noticed you are also in nz
Are you enjoying the diet so far?

Jen135 10 years ago

This all looks very logical and positive and should fit into my life well. I have recently hit 40 and am struggling to lose the bit of weight I have put on, I guess the older we get the harder it becomes. I want to live a long and happy, healthy life for my family so bring it on!
Jenny in Southland, New Zealand 🙂

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