Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)
babee666 11 years ago

I am not sure where to ask questions but i thought i would start here. I have just started this program and since juices from concetrate are one of the worst things for you i was wandering what i can drink instead of cranberry juice because where i live it is hard to get pure Cranberry Juice. My Dr told me to drink it regulary because it illiminates the chances of kidney stones. Since i started drinking it i have had no problems with them and do not ever want them again.

CathyCarpenter 11 years ago

I am just starting this program, I cannot find where to ASK a question, please forgive me for using this ‘reply’ to ask. Where can I ask a question and my question is: What about drinking tea and/or coffee throughout the day? Is that allowed? (My first menu mentions coffee ONCE)

JEM1..I found the link to the video about an hour ago in facebook.

JEM1 11 years ago

Why didn’t I think of that! I really do appreciate you response ddionne. I did find it.

ddionne 11 years ago

its on the web site if you google trim down club and select the first entry.

JEM1 11 years ago

Does anyone know how or where I can find the video that talks about The Trim Down Club? It’s the video of how I was introduced to this diet and I can’t find it anymore. I want to send it to a friend. Thanks.

Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)

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