Grains Confliction. Good or Bad for you?
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Ossie-Sharon 10 years ago | Hi, NicoleManson. Hypoglycemia can be a very general symptom of a sensitivity reaction, and so just having it does not necessarily pinpoint a specific food. You can either be tested or find the offending food by process of elimination – pay attention to your reactions within the 1-2 hours after eating. |
nicolemanson 10 years ago | Can you tell me what food sensitivity could possibly cause similar symptoms to hypoglycemia? |
Ossie-Sharon 10 years ago | Hi, Nicole. This program was put together to balance all of that information and take the guesswork out of your eating. |
nicolemanson 10 years ago | I always see conflicting information about Grains. I’ve heard wheat is better than white, whole grain is better than wheat, and all of it is bad. |
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