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Ossie-Sharon 11 years ago

Hi, pasjj5. Your menu will indeed be updated according to your progress meter.

pasjj5 11 years ago

I know I am a little premature as I still have about 35 lb. to go (after losing 6.6 lb. so far,) but I’m curious as to how the menu plan gets changed in the way of amounts suited for maintenance. And as I am losing weight, do the amounts of food items stay the same until then or do they adjust somehow? Does TDC automatically know this according to my PROGRESS METER APP? Could you explain how this works? I need to know, also, when I talk to my friends about the program. I am so pleased with this program I just want to tell everyone of my friends that are in need of losing and just as important, maintaining their weight once they reach their goal. This is really the best purchase I’ve every made in my entire life (when it comes to dieting,that is.) Thank you in advance. KD

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