JennyPowers 7 years ago | Thank you again, very helpful.:) |
Ossie-Sharon 7 years ago | Hi, Jenny. I wish you a speedy recovery. I’m glad to read that you’re enjoying this program! We usually recommend that you finish eating about 1 hour before you retire for the night, so if you go to bed at after 11 pm, 10 pm is fine for your snack. You can switch meal foods around as you wish – though the best option is to switch foods that are in the same food groups (so that you don’t end up with meals that are only carbs or only proteins, etc.). Regarding Stevia, it is an excellent choice that we highly recommend. If you use a blend, we recommend something with erythritol or xylitol (it will say on the package). As for recipes, if you use the personal version of the Menu Planner application (access it by clicking on the “My Food Choices icon in the toolbar above your current menu), you will see some of our recipes in the “Recipes” subcategory of each major food group. For newer recipes that have not yet been added into the system, you can use them to substitute for the main ingredient in your meal. You can also match up the exchanges visible at the end of each recipe and when you click on “Exchange Mode” in the toolbar above your menu. It doesn’t need to be a perfect match to work. |
JennyPowers 7 years ago | Is there a way to add some recipes to my menu? |
JennyPowers 7 years ago | Also, what about stevia as a sweetener? |
JennyPowers 7 years ago | Thank you so much for your response. I’ve had a rough start due to snow storm but I am hopeful. I’ve had a hard time eating all the AM food, I’m usually hungrier in the evening. My main question is about the timing of the meals. If I eat the last snack at 8pm I am usually hungry when I go to bed and therefore I don’t sleep soundly. Is eating a snack at 10pm too late? Also does the morning food have to be eaten in the morning and viseversa? I am so delighted to be able to eat real bread again, I’ve been on a low carb ketogenic diet. |
Ossie-Sharon 7 years ago | Hi, Jenny. Just click on the “My Food Choices” icon in the toolbar above any of your menus. |
JennyPowers 7 years ago | Hi, I’m New. I was wondering how I get back to the list of foods we wound willing to eat….I neglected to check seafood. Thanks. |