Viewing 9 posts - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)
Doryssb 11 years ago

Hi Nursejan,
Popcorn is OK if it is without artificial additives. Just remember to count every cup popped as a carb.

nursejan 11 years ago

i love popcorn. I don’t eat the microwave kind but buy it in a bag and pop it on the stove in a little spray olive oil. I use it as a snack. Is popcorn okay to eat in this way?

LynnM 11 years ago

And there is an allowance for chili with beans, so you could substitute in if you check that on the menu planner.

LynnM 11 years ago

I think there’s a pretty high level of sugar in commercial baked beans. If you make them from scratch, and substitute in the ingredients from your menu, that would work, just be careful of the added molasses etc that will bump up the sugar. Just my thoughts, would like to know what Ossie thinks.

Yvonnebaker 11 years ago

Help please – can anyone tell me if we can eat baked beans on this diet, my husband is really missing them.

Pabbott 11 years ago

Hi Lynn
This burger looks goods I’ll give it a go.
Many thanks.

LynnM 11 years ago

I left out an important word…substitute!

LynnM 11 years ago

Hi Pauline, I think there are recipes (try the link at the top of the page) for home made hamburger, and for beef stew (someone mentioned how good it is in one of the threads). I know Ossie has said we can use condiments with caution, the amount of marmite you (or at least I) can eat at one time is not that great! As for shepherds pie, you could take an allowed starch (bread?) and potato for it, and the meat for an allowed weight of cold cuts or other meat. Just my thoughts, would like to see what Ossie thinks of that substitution. We have to be creative with these menus!

Pabbott 11 years ago

I eat the following foods a lot which do not appear on your list is there any chance of them being added:

Marmite, homemade shepherds / Cottage pie, homemade beefburgers, Lamb / Beef casserole and stew made from scratch.

If these could be included it would help me tremendously, I only use fresh ingredients except for frozen petis pois.
Thank you

Viewing 9 posts - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)

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