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Ossie-Sharon 11 years ago

The easiest and fastest receipes might be the following (these have the fewest ingredients, and you can pretty much get away with just throwing everything together):
Banana Strawberry Oats Breakfast Meal
Squash Omelet
Broccoli Mushroom Melts
Shiitake Chicken Ensemble
Chicken and Black Bean Quesadilla
Perfect Trout Grill
Truly Simply Tuna
Brown Rice Pasta and Broccoli Medley
Tomato-Stewed Okra and Carrots
Black Bean SWG (sprouted whole grain)Burrito Pockets
Black Eyed Peas Spinach Stew
Coconut Stewed Garbanzo and Kale (you can use powdered seasonings and don’t have to cook it for 30 minutes if the garbanzo beans are pre-cooked)
Lentil Celery Potato Soup
Creamy Sweet Potato Carrot Soup
Skillet Fudge Brownies

Jeannie 11 years ago

I am having the same concern about menu planning being too time consuming….and the recipes too complicated as well. I live alone and cook for one.

Ossie-Sharon 11 years ago

We are indeed planning on adding this feature. However, if there are certain foods that you like that you have entered into the menu planner, the most challenging shopping list will probably be just your earliest one(s) – if you stick with the menu, then you’ll just be replacing items here and there on a weekly basis as you would have done before the Trim Down Club. Staples such as grains will last a while, for example.

Tricia 11 years ago

Just starting and have found it very time consuming to put together a shopping list for the week. Is there an easier way that may save time? I previously used another site that gave me my weekly menu with an entire sheet specifically for the grocery store, and it had all the items categorized. I was hoping to get this here as well.

Viewing 4 posts - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)

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