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Ossie-Sharon 11 years ago

Hi, Dan. This really is the program for you both. First, as I mentioned to Archie below, the principles of the menus are identical to those for diabetics and pre-diabetics in terms of carbs. Second, we encourage low-fat and use of good fats that are considered “good” in part because of their benefits against cholesterol. Third, there are tons of gluten-free items int he Menu Planner application and among the recipes. Finally, because one of the major points of the diet is to focus on natural, unprocessed foods, dyes are out. When you go through the Menu Planner, you can tailor your daily menus to whatever your needs may be.

Archie4me 11 years ago

Thanks Ossie, this is very helpful. I’ve been doing a lot of reading on this subject and also eating things and testing afterwards with the glucose monitor to see how the foods affected my blood sugar level. The “generally recommended for diabetics” info. about the 3 ADA carb exchanges per meal…is new for me. I’ll Google that. I sure hope this works–my life is on the line!

dancarpenter 11 years ago

We are battling “diet” on several fronts: My wife and I both have high cholesteral, she is g-free and allergic to red/yellow dyes and I am just diagnosed as pre-diabetic. How can the program be tailored to these needs? Or is this combination too complicated for the program. I think we’re ready to join if we can get a good understanding of how to handle this. –Picky Eater; not by choice

Ossie-Sharon 11 years ago

Hi, Archie. Hopefully you will find that being diagnosed with diabetes gives you extra motivation in your diet and exercise efforts. Hopefully as well, you are under regular care from a physician, nurse, and/or dietitian familiar with your case.
You have come to the right place: the principles of the Trim Down Club diet share many in common with those recommended for diabetics. We encourage low glycemic index foods, lots of fiber, and small meals throughout the day. Generally, there are only 3 ADA carb exchanges per meal (+extra for fiber), as generally recommended for diabetics. If you need any further assistance, please do not hesitate to post.

Archie4me 11 years ago

Last month I was diagnosed with adult onset type 2 diabetes. Will the Trim Down Club be able to tell me what foods to eat to keep my glucose level within a good range?

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