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Ossie-Sharon 6 years ago

Hi, Muselman. The items are listed generically so you can prepare them as you wish (hopefully using the healthy cooking techniques we encourage in our guides, and as modeled in our recipe collection). Using your specific example, you can use the cornmeal to make polenta, have a cooked vegetable and a salad, and season and back the chicken (preferably without skin). You can also click on any of the items to swap them for something else in the same food group.

Muselman 6 years ago

So for my lunch, the menu came up with chicken, 2/3 cup cornmeal, 2 veggies, and something else. What in the hec am I supposed to do with 2/3 cup corneal? What do I do with the chicken? How do I prepare it? With cornmeal? This isn’t helpful at all!!!

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