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Ossie-Sharon 6 years ago

Hi, bethross3. Unsalted is actually preferable, so go for it! Yes, “Smart Balance” (as well as “Earth Balance”) are examples of “smart buttery spreads.” If you are used to butter, that is fine – it is the natural choice.
If you need a little more oil or butter to cook your meats, it’s fine if you use very lean meats.

bethross3 6 years ago

I have several questions regarding butter:
1. When butter appears on my Menu, it says “Salted”. I use Un-Salted Butter – is it OK to use un-salted?
2. Free Spreads: 1 tsp of “light “smart” buttery spread” is an option. Is this the Smart Balance butter in a tub? I bought some and it sure tastes like margarine instead of butter. I would prefer to use unsalted real butter – is that OK to substitute?
3. When cooking meats for meals like fish or chicken, I am trying to pan fry most of my meats in a non-stick skillet using olive oil spray or Pam, but sometimes I need a little more. Is it OK to use olive oil or unsalted butter to cook your meats in or do I need to substitute a fat out of either that meal or another meal or snack for that day?

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