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Support 9 years ago

Hi Shelly,
Thanks for posting.
We’ve checked your shopping list and it matches the foods in your menu plan. There’s a good chance that the foods you don’t recognize are recipe ingredients and needed for recipes within your menu plan.
Hope this helps 😉

ShellyMae 9 years ago

One more thing….it looks like the shopping list had things not on my first weeks plan, and didn’t have things that were. Its very frustrating and another reason i need to understand the logic behind the meals so I can easily substitute with the right things. Next week i’ll be sure to compare more closely….ugh….

ShellyMae 9 years ago

Thanks Ossie Sharon,
That’s a start, is there somewhere I can see the rest of the logic behind the combinations so I know I’m getting it right, even if smaller portions? Also, is there somewhere that shows the calories for the daily diet? If tracking my weight loss, there may be a magic range where my body responds the best…one that is not too much and not too little….i’d like to monitor even though not necessary by this plan.

Ossie-Sharon 9 years ago

Hi, ShellyMae. Don’t worry about finishing the food if you can’t – it’s great that you’re in tune with your hunger and satiety signals. Just be sure to get at least 5 total fruit/vegetable and 3 total calcium-rich food/beverage servings each day.

ShellyMae 9 years ago

Hi there,

I’m looking for the guide on ‘how to combine things’ as the ones that menus that are coming up are really odd. Also, this seems like way too much food for me. Even though I am active, I am having a real hard time eating all the meals and snacks before bedtime.

Ossie-Sharon 9 years ago

Congratulations, Mr. Weinhardt! We wish you continued success!

DeanFWeinhardt. 9 years ago

I am 74 and I know what you are saying. I too have a wife that cooks very good. Hence my weight went over the top years age. I weighed 252 at 6 ft. Now I am down to 220 as of last Monday. You have progressed faster than I did. What I have been doing, is letting my wife cook things that will last refrigerated and since I can eat the same menu again and again with easy uncooked substitutions that are available right online for you. For example; if I tire of 3 ounces of tuna on one piece of bread, I can substitute chicken slices or turkey etc. I have tried Nutrisystem, and countless others and none have worked for me except this one. And “no sir” I do not work for them. I’m a retired law enforcement officer and quite honestly, the only part of this that I find challenging is that I seem to be eating TOO MUCH. My weight however, has dropped from 220 to 216 in just three weeks. The secret is sticking to it. This is a new way of life for me and I’m lovin’ it. I hope this helps.

fbudelman 9 years ago

I have been at this now for about 5 days and am still working on the preparation part of the food regimen. I am a guy and not very used to cooking because my wonderful wife has been doing that for the last 40 years. I am not getting the preparation right because I am probably not shopping very well or intelligently. You see, I am now, after 80 years of life, purfchasing the correct types of ingredinets. That means that I am jerry rigging the meals to suit what I have on hand. Point in question, today’s menu calls for Breakfast Pizza and I don’t have any pizza crust to use for the meal. And now, since ingredients are an ounce or two here and there, my refridgerator is stuffed with plastic containers with a bit of food in each and my wife has not much room for her food. I don’t want to quit this food routine but Nutrisystem is beginning to look good to me. What say you?

Support 9 years ago

Hi Squeaks,
Starting something new can be hard, and that’s why we’ve made it easy for you to absorb all of the wonderful information we have to offer. To get started on the Trim Down Club Program, follow the instructions below:

1. Go to
2. On the top right corner of the homepage click Login
3. Enter your Username and Password (You can also use your email address connected to your purchase as your username. If you lost or forgot your password, click on “Lost your password?”)
4. After you login, click on “Follow 8 Week Plan”. This weekly guide will give you the tools and directions you need to start the program
5. Feel free to start by reading the brief Week 1 Introduction
6. Next, move on to the STARTING STEPS. To access the steps, simply click on START located underneath each STEP
7. To access your Weekly Meal Plan, simply click on the START button underneath Step 3.
8. As you progress in Week 1, gain some extra credit by checking out the Want to See More section. Here you will find the hottest information in the field of nutrition and health
9. Each week you will unlock new information as we guide you to get the body you deserve!

You’ve taken a huge step in the right direction, and the Trim Down Club Support Team and I are here to help you. Don’t hesitate to contact us, if we can be of any service.

Please drop by the website from time to time, since we’re continuously adding to the members’ area to enrich your Trim Down Club experience.

To your health and success!

Squeaks 9 years ago

I just joined last night and I need to get back to the page that had a video on it and to start at the very beginning but I don’t know where that is . When I login it takes me to dash board and I think that is for older members please help me.

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