Viewing 4 posts - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)
Ossie-Sharon 3 years ago

Hi, MoonRiverplayer. No need to worry about such a small amount. It doesn’t have to be perfect to work.

MoonRiverplayer 3 years ago

Thank you. I ate a piece of whole grain toast with peanut butter…1/2 my breakfast before workout. That worked..I didn’t feel as fatigued, and my workout was longer.
Now, another issue..I am planning my own menus, following your guidelines. I am officially starting over this Monday. What happens if you are just .2 deficient in one category? How can you move forward, if you are only in the red zone .2? I spent all morning trying to balance my breakfast, which came very close. How do you satisfy a small deficit? .2 of a fat seems negligible?..frustrated because I am liking this plan A lot!

Ossie-Sharon 3 years ago

Hi, MoonRiverPlayer, and welcome! What you’re doing sounds great. If you have time to wait for your food to digest before working out, I suggest trying to eat breakfast before and see if that makes a difference for your energy levels. Your body will tell you what is best.

MoonRiverplayer 3 years ago

I am a newbie! I am a healthy 69 y.o. Having undergone two successful hip replacements this Covid year, I gained 20 lbs. I am back on the fitness track now. I do power walking at least 4, aim for 6 days a week for 30+ min., I work out early, 8 am, before breakfast, after coffee and water.. Do you think I should eat before? Yesterday I clocked 3888 steps, and felt physically tired all day. I climbed a few steep hills too. Eat before or after..I am muscular 5’4” and 172lbs.

Viewing 4 posts - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)

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