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caryl1205 8 years ago

Ah, that’s something new I’ve learned today. Thank you, that is helpful to know. 🙂

Ossie-Sharon 8 years ago

Hi, Caryl. Nuts have a relatively low protein content (compared to their fat content), and since the fat doesn’t make it through the process of making the milk (which is essentially soaking and straining), all that’s left is the carbohydrate.

Ossie-Sharon 8 years ago

Hi, Caryl. Nuts have a relatively low protein content (compared to their fat content), and since the fat doesn’t make it through the process of making the milk (which is essentially soaking and straining), all that’s left is the carbohydrate.

caryl1205 8 years ago

Also, can you please explain why nut milks are classed as carbs, while nuts are classed as proteins & fats? This is getting quite confusing for me.

caryl1205 8 years ago

Does that mean I can make more fruit and/or veg smoothies with my nut/grain milks and eat less bread? And what added protein?

Ossie-Sharon 8 years ago

Hi, Caryl. That’s great news!
Rice and almond milks are in the “carbohydrates” category (because other than fluid, that’s what they are most rich in).

caryl1205 8 years ago

Thank you, it does seem to be working now.
What about rice milk? I can’t find it on the list. Would it be classed the same as oat milk? Or almond milk? Also, I make my own nut and grain milks, without sugars or flavourings. Does this mean (because they are not fortified) that I need to add protein powders etc?

Support 8 years ago

Hi Caryl,
I checked your account and I can see that your foods are populated in the Personal Menu Planner. Simply, click on Save and Create Menu to create a new menu from there.
Best 🙂

caryl1205 8 years ago

I am using the same menu building option – the personal menu planner – but it isn’t keeping my choices and I have to keep doing them again every time.

Support 8 years ago

Hi Caryl,
You can find the free spreads in the QA section below the final menu planner.
Additionally, you can always make changes to previously created menus (which can be accessed in Apps under My Menus). Please keep in mind that your selections are saved only if you use the same menu building option.
Best 🙂

caryl1205 8 years ago

Thank you. What are the “free spreads”? I can’t find them. I am using the personal menu planner and every time that I create a new menu, it asks me to fill in my food choices again. Why doesn’t it remember them? I have to start again every time!

Ossie-Sharon 8 years ago

Hi, Caryl. Milk is extra, but it is generally automatically included (or an alternative, such as yogurt, which can be swapped out for milk) – your menus have this.
For bread or crackers, if a spread isn’t provided automatically, you can select a “free spread.”
Are you using the regular menu planner, or the subapplication to build menus by hand?

caryl1205 8 years ago

In the menu planner, there are a variety of options for cereals for breakfast, however it is unclear as to whether they include milk or not. Do we add milk in the menu planner, or is it already included when we choose cereal or porridge for breakfast?
Also – for bread and crackers – is it assumed that we eat these dry, or do we add a spread of choice? And is this included in the menu planner?

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