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Ossie-Sharon 9 years ago

Hi, RoRo150. Apologies for the silence here – I hope you’re doing well. A favorite option in your situation might be whole grain crackers and hummus (and similar spreads that you can make at home inexpensively with any well-cooked/canned legume, some of the cooking water, and lots of good seasonings that may be gentle to your stomach such as smoked paprika, dill, mild curry, and basil). Non-acidic fruit you might wish to try include apples, pears, bananas, melon, peaches and apricots (the last two are, as you probably know, available canned when not in season, best “in juice”).

RoRo150 9 years ago

Today is the first day of my new life changing challenge. Not only have I tried different diets and exercise programs but I have also gathered a lot of information on eating well. My problem is I have a dairy intolerance, acidic fruits and vegetables give me heart burn, allergic to shell fish and once you eliminate the foods in these groups, there’s not much left that I like to eat.So I eat a lot of sweets and snack foods.
Eating healthy can be quite expensive. My first menus include a lot of nuts and seeds, all of which are expensive. What’s a girl to do? Any suggestions?

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