Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 19 total)
Support 9 years ago

Hi Chaplain, we checked our 60 Day Subscribers’ list but didn’t see you on it. To receive special 60 Day Challenge information, please register here:

Support 9 years ago

Hi Chaplain,

We will be sending you the tips from Week 1 and Week 2. Additionally, feel free to follow the 8 Week Plan. This weekly guide will give you the tools and directions you need to maximize the Trim Down Club program. You can access the plan from the homepage.

Best 🙂

chaplainjudi 9 years ago

thanks so much … I will look for it.

Ossie-Sharon 9 years ago

Blessings to you too, Chaplain. I have forwarded your query to tech support, and someone will get back to you within less than a day. Be well 🙂

chaplainjudi 9 years ago

I just received the tips for week #3. I did not receive the tips for weeks 1 & 2 because I started the 60 days on the 14th. Is there a way I can catch up on those two weeks of tips? I have completed week #1 and am very happy w the challenge… I needed some structure and this gives it to me. Blessings, judi

Simba1 9 years ago

Hello. Started the 60 day challenge on the 12th. I started the menu planner and have tried to eat the food on the list (substituting to my taste), but really need to go to the grocery store!

outdoorlady1 9 years ago

after i saw the guidelines i guess i was just eager to start the challenge. i started officially on the 5th. I began drinking more water on the first. it is amazing how a few more glasses can even regulate a person…Enjoying the information and suggestions provided….:)

Ossie-Sharon 9 years ago

Hi, JennyNadine. The program will guide you through it, and you can just get started building menus if you wish. Enter the Menu Planner (in “Apps” above), watch the guide video and then start choosing foods you like from the food lists – the ones in lighter shades of blue are the recommended ones.

busybee0912 9 years ago

Excited to join today for the 60 day challenge. In exactly 60 days today is my next appt with my doc. I am Type 2 diabetic and she wants me to lose at least 20 lbs, so this is very timely. I am 201 lbs and should be around 125 lbs….find it hard to stick to a diet due to my crazy schedule and find it hard to exercise due to the lethargy, lack of energy from diabetes….would love to hear from anyone in a similar situation….Happy New Year everyone!!!

JennyNadine 9 years ago

Sorry I spelt your name wrong

JennyNadine 9 years ago

Hi Ozzie thanks I’m not very good with computers. I don’t have a Facebook account where else can I get information about what to eat on the 60 day challenge?

Ossie-Sharon 9 years ago

Hi, JennyNadine. It can be the same menu, if you wish. To join in, just register through the 60-Day Challenge tab near the top of every site page (the link is also here:

Ossie-Sharon 9 years ago

Congratulation, ContraryOne!

JennyNadine 9 years ago

Hi is the 60 day challenge still eating the same menu? What do you have to do to join in?

contraryone 9 years ago

Going to start the 60 Day Challenge on the 5th, although I have just joined a few days ago, and have trimmed back 3 1/2 pounds already. I know this will slow down dramatically, but it is encouraging for now.

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 19 total)

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