Can I complete the One and Done workout quickly if I have a tight schedule?

Asked 2 years ago

I am a busy mom with four children and a budding floral business. I've been neglecting my health and want to better care of myself. My issue is that I don't have the time because of my hectic schedule at home and at work. I need a quick workout program that I can do in between tasks. Is the one-and-done plan right for me?

Anju Mobin

Anju Mobin

Friday, December 02, 2022

The One and Done Workout is the best workout plan for busy moms as it is a quick workout program that can be done between tasks. All you need is 7 minutes and enough room to stretch comfortably. These exercises are simple and low-impact, yet power-packed with a focus on high-intensity workouts to speed up weight loss. Your own body weight is utilized for resistance exercises. So you can do them anywhere and anytime.

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